Vintage 2021 starts with an amazing spring season. Lots of sunshine, warmth, and enough rain to greatly accelerate the growth.
Vines entering the flowering phase is a nerve-wracking period since the tiniest disruptions to barely-there flowers can mean a sad vintage. With an early budburst like this year comes the risk of frost. But cold, wet spring weather can also wreak havoc. Once self-pollinated, each flower gives way to a tiny, hard green berry the size of a small pea. Each green pea eventually ripens into the grapes we know and love, but a multitude of weather factors can disrupt this fragile process and taint an entire year’s work.
Flowering literally puts grapes on the bunches, determining just how many berries have a chance to survive the season and end up in a bottle and we think vintage 2021 has given all of our 26+ grape varieties a great start!